Become a

Tradelogiq Vendor

Deliver Tradelogiq Markets to Your Network

Tradelogiq Markets Inc. provides broad accessibility through a variety of communications networks to access our Omega ATS and Lynx ATS.

We continually work with numerous technology vendors to improve access through service bureau connections and smart routers. We’re committed to maintaining the highest levels of quality and excellence in the ATS space.

And yes, there is a little paperwork

To connect your clients to Tradelogiq’s markets, we will need to complete some paperwork. As a service bureau or other order router vendor, you will need to complete the following forms:

If you are a data vendor and will not be providing order routing we will need the following forms from you instead:

Once you’ve completed the relevant forms, please email them to [email protected] 

A Smooth Implementation

At Tradelogiq, we’re committed to strong partnerships and client satisfaction.

Once we receive your completed paperwork, we’ll move quickly to review and process your approval and welcome you to the Tradelogiq family. We’ll provide all of the specifications documentation necessary and help with implementation if you need it.

All vendors need to review the Tradelogiq Specifications documentation for the details of using Tradelogiq’s Omega ATS and Lynx ATS systems. You can find them at the link below: