Market Data
Overview of Market Data
It is easy to subscribe for Omega ATS and Lynx ATS market data. You can directly access Tradelogiq multicast market data or obtain a tailored solution from one of our many authorized third party market data solution providers to match your unique requirements.
Tradelogiq multicast market data is available via cross connection at the TR2 Equinix Data Centre or alternatively can be accessed through our point-of-presence at the TR1 Equinix Data Centre.
It utilizes the ITCH 5.0 protocol and QTP delivery protocol.
The multicast market data feed includes the following:
- Order messages — full order details, tracking the life of an order
- Execution messages — messages regarding executions of displayed orders, non-displayed orders, and intentional crosses
- Administrative messages — session level messages, symbol state changes (halted), symbol directory and security information
To elevate your trading, contact us here, and our team of market experts will work with you to help you meet your goals.
Retransmission Bundles
Retransmission bundles can also be ordered. They provide replay access to the last 10 minutes of a multicast market data feed broadcast, which can be of assistance in maintaining data integrity.
Third-party Market Data Solution Providers
Tradelogiq makes accessibility easy through an extensive and growing list of authorized third-party market data solution providers. The solutions offered by these providers include consolidated market data feeds, market data connectivity, trade surveillance, order management and market data terminals.
Want to become a Tradelogiq authorized third party solution provider? Contact us at [email protected].