Business Continuity Plan

Subscriber Disclosure Statement

Tradelogiq Markets Inc. (Tradelogiq) has developed a Business Continuity Plan (the “BCP”) in the event of an emergency or a significant disruption in Tradelogiq’s ability to conduct its business, in order to protect the interests of its subscribers and ensure as quick a recovery as possible.

It is Tradelogiq’s policy to respond to a Significant Business Disruption (“SBD”) by safeguarding employees’ lives and company property, making a financial and operational assessment of the situation, quickly recovering and resuming operations, protecting all of the company’s books and records, and allowing the company’s subscribers to transact. If Tradelogiq determines that it is unable to continue its business, Tradelogiq will notify the appropriate regulatory bodies.

Tradelogiq’s BCP contemplates alternative physical locations for its staff to work from, secondary data center facilities, regular back-up of critical data and records, and recovery time objectives for mission critical systems. It also identifies alternate ways of communication between Tradelogiq and its subscribers, employees and regulators.

SBDs can vary in timing, extent and severity. For example, a SBD can affect the building housing Tradelogiq, the district or the city where Tradelogiq is located, or the entire region. Also, a SBD could occur during market trading hours or could stretch out for days or weeks. Accordingly, the BCP calls for senior management to make a financial and operational assessment of the situation and decide on the most appropriate response to the circumstances.

As Tradelogiq Markets Inc. (operating Omega ATS and Lynx ATS) is a member in good standing of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) we are required under the rules to review and test the BCP annually and update it as appropriate. The BCP is also updated periodically to reflect relevant changes.

Tradelogiq’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is responsible for the maintenance and, in the event of an SBD, the execution of Tradelogiq’s BCP. The back-up person in the event that the CTO is unavailable is Tradelogiq’s Chief Compliance Officer.

A Commitment to Service Excellence

Tradelogiq’s technical team is devoted to keeping our services available to you at all times during market hours. With a zealous commitment to delivering uninterrupted service and client satisfaction, few teams can compare to our backroom heroes.

While we would never over-promise, with a robust failover strategy, backed up by multiple redundancies, we have full confidence in the technology behind us, and we’re confident that you will feel the same way.