Omega Securities Inc. (OSI) would like to invite all of our subscribers, vendors, and marketplace participants to begin testing our new matching facility in our Global Test Environment (TR2 – GTE). In conjunction with our technology partners, OSI’s network architects and engineers have completely redesigned our footprint, located at the new Equinix TR2 data centre at 45 Parliament St. The new system has been designed to maximize stability, reliability, and throughput capacity. Although off-site from our current production matching engine, this recently redesigned environment is intended to become our primary matching site by Q2 2017 (pending regulatory approval).
The launch of this matching facility is the first phase in a multi-phase plan to improve the robustness of OSI’s suite of offerings, while leveraging the existing connectivity from our Point of Presence (PoP) within the Equinix TR1 data centre at 151 Front St. Once all of our participants have had ample time to test our new technology stack, we will complete a hard migration of all our subscribers to our production matching site in TR2. Following our production launch in Q2 2017, all participants that wish to interact with Omega ATS and Lynx ATS from their current locations, without incurring the cost of physically migrating to TR2 will be able to reach our upgraded matching environment via their current Omega ATS and Lynx ATS connections. Further, it is our ambition to build a completely hot/hot swap Disaster Recovery site (DR) at TR1 for the purpose of providing a completely redundant matching service in the event of interruption to the TR2 production environment.
In conjunction with the new data centre, network architecture, and technology stack, OSI will also begin offering 10GB connectivity and Multicast Market Data distribution to all participants prior to the TR2 production launch. 10GB connectivity is currently available for purchase and a launch date for multicast market data will be announced shortly.
For network access to our TR2 – GTE site or for answers to questions related to our production migration, please contact Omega Operations at [email protected]