Break Point Pricing – Decreased Tiers Effective December 2

Subscriber Notice: 2013-09

Omega ATS is pleased to announce that as of December 2nd, 2013 our Break Point Pricing tiers will be lowered in order to offer more of our subscribers further discounts on liquidity provision. Break Point is a discount program that reduces the pass-through cost of passive equity transactions on Omega ATS by discounting the liquidity provider fee. Unlike other tiered pricing schedules, Break Point Pricing will apply to all passive equity transactions within the tier reached by a particular subscriber from the very first share traded in a given calendar month. Further, all equity transactions, active or passive, are tallied towards Break Point.

The new tiers are designed to accurately reflect the overall equity volume in Canada, and have been reduced by 25 million shares per month for Tier 2 and 50 million shares per month for Tier 3. The new Break Point Pricing Tiers are as follows:

Equities At Or Above $1.00 Equities Below $1.00
Add Remove Add Remove
Break Point Tier 1 (0 - 100MM) $0.0019/share -$0.0014/share $0.001/share -0.0007/share
Break Point Tier 2 (100MM - 200MM) $0.0018/Share -$0.0014/share $0.0009/share -0.0007/share
shareBreak Point Tier 3 (200MM+) $0.0017/Share $0.0014/share $0.0008/share -0.0007/share
Hidden Mid-Point Peg Orders $0.0006/Share Free $0.0002/share Free

For more information regarding order types, pricing or discounts offered by Omega ATS please visit our website at:

Or email us at:

[email protected]

The Tradelogiq Team

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Email: [email protected]

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