& Compliance


Tradelogiq Markets Inc. (“Tradelogiq”) is a regulated Canadian alternative trading system (“ATS”) operator with two separate venues: Omega ATS and Lynx ATS. The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) is our principal regulator.

ATSs are required to be registered as investment dealers and Tradelogiq is therefore also regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (“CIRO”) as both a Dealer Member and a Marketplace Member.

As an ATS operator, we do not carry out traditional dealer activities, such as opening client accounts, holding client assets, or trading (whether as agent or on a proprietary basis). By accessing our two ATSs, our subscribers—all of which are registered investment dealers and CIRO Dealer Members—can trade securities listed on Canadian recognized exchanges. Our subscribers are responsible to their clients for their orders, and to CIRO for compliance with the CIRO requirements applicable to their handling of orders and associated trading activities. Our subscribers are also responsible for the clearing and settlement of all trades executed on our venues.

Marketplace Operations

Information pertaining to the operation of Omega ATS and Lynx ATS, such as the hours of trading, order types and features, and trading functionality is summarized in various sections of our website and outlined in greater detail in our Functionality Guide.

Information on the following topics can also be found in the Functionality Guide:

  • Market regulation / surveillance
  • Trading halts
  • Single stock circuit breakers
  • Marketplace thresholds
  • Trade cancellation and correction policy

For information about fees or how to access our services, including how to become a subscriber and any specifications applicable to Tradelogiq order entry and market data access, please visit the various related pages of our website.

Conflicts of Interest

Tradelogiq is subject to various requirements pertaining to the identification and management of conflicts of interest, including those arising from the operation of the marketplace and the services we provide. Tradelogiq is also required to make public its Conflicts of Interest Policy.

Regulatory Filings

Tradelogiq is subject to requirements under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and pursuant to an OSC Order (referred to as the “Protocol”) that govern the regulatory filing and approval processes for changes to the information contained in the Form 21-101F2 for each of Omega ATS and Lynx ATS.  Certain of these changes, in particular changes to trading functionality and features, may be published for comment by the OSC in accordance with the Protocol.

All public requests for comment for Omega ATS and Lynx ATS, and any associated OSC notices of approval, can be found on the OSC website at: Omega ATS / Lynx ATS orders and notices.


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We are currently reviewing your your outreach and will be in touch.

For immediate assistance: [email protected]

Thank you for your Submission with Tradelogiq.

We are currently reviewing your your outreach and will be in touch.

For immediate assistance: [email protected].