TORONTO – March 13, 2008
OMEGA ATS, single day trading volume surpassed 1 million shares for the first time since its launch on December 6, 2007
This significant milestone was accomplished trading less than 5 percent of the TSX listed universe of over 2,000 issues. As well, OMEGA ATS is still in its roll-out phase and has only been working with a small key group of service bureau connections and clients. Several major technology vendors are in final phases of testing with OMEGA ATS and their completion will substantially increase the number of participants able to access the marketplace.
Geoff Eby, President of Perimeter Markets Inc., which oversees the OMEGA ATS, said,” we are on plan with our roll-out, and look forward to our next milestone – 5 million shares per day”
OMEGA ATS, launched on December 06, 2007, provides the Canadian marketplace with a fast, anonymous, strict price/time priority trading platform where customers can trade at the CBBO (Canadian Best Bid and Offer) at competitive rates. OMEGA ATS is a service delivered by Perimeter Financial.